It’s about an ancient practice and form,

connection to the sea and to each other.


  • The ocean lovers of the world are my tribe and everything I create is inspired by the abundant coastline my home is surrounded by.

  • Dive deep into The Great Southern Reef with me, a vast network of temperate reefs stretching over 8000km along Australia’s Southern coastline. I invite you to follow the links on each product page to connect with the beautiful creatures that inspire me and learn more about their unique and diverse home, The Great Southern Reef.

Great Southern Reef

  • For the ocean lovers. The people who swim, who wander, who play, who love our ocean creatures. They find their joy by the seaside, and their peace watching the sunrise. They value connection with a cuppa shared with friends, and they might just dip nude beneath the moon when the occasion calls for it.

    With love
